Your Writing Brain

Empowering Writers To Write

Your Writing Brain empowers you the writer to write.

We design and deliver innovative workshops, presentations and coaching developed from the latest research in neuroscience, psychology and personal development.

Encouraging A Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is key to improving your writing skills.

Is your mindset fixed? Are you risk adverse, seeing your errors and problems as personal flaws or do you have a growth mindset, willing to admit to and learn from your mistakes?

At Your Writing Brain we challenge your assumptions of what you are capable of, help you to assess your current skills, discuss where you could do better and provide honest feedback.

Establishing Your Writing Goals

Clear goals and understanding of your motivation to write is key to your success.

Do you write to get your work published, improve your mental wellness or develop the ability to tell your stories in your way?

Our learning is designed to help you discover what your goals are and support you to achieve them.

Developing A Writing Habit

One of the key principles of the Your Writing Brain approach is the belief that the constant application of insignificant actions, when coherently focused, can lead to dramatically significant results.

How many of us want to write but have difficulty finding the
motivation to do it? How often do we set ambitious writing goals which we never achieve?

We introduce you to new techniques and approaches to your writing and demonstrate how small changes to the way you write can revolutionise your productivity and results.


your writing


Nurturing your writing brain can effectively support your writing goals.

We experience changes in brain organisation and structure as we learn and adapt. This is known as neuroplasticity – the ability of our brain to change over time. With every repetition of a thought or emotion we develop a new neural pathway or reinforce an existing one.

At Your Writing Brain we encourage and maximise opportunities to learn in a way that suits you.

Your Writing Brain can help you to develop the ability to deal with the frustrations writers often confront.

Psychological flexibility is all about holding our thoughts and emotions a bit more lightly and acting on longer term values rather than short-term impulses, thoughts and feelings.

With proven strategies and tips, we can help you improve your resiliency skills, perseverance and grit when your writing goals aren’t going as planned.




Innovative Workshops and Coaching

Our workshops are packed with with short, interactive and leading- edge content that can help jump start your writing and transform the way you work. We use video, audio and interactive exercises to enhance your learning experience.

Our materials are well researched, fact based and varied in approach. We help you build on your own strengths as a writer and help you set challenging but achievable writing goals.

At Your Writing Brain we also signpost you to other ways you can continue your learning journey once the workshop has finished.

To book a course or request further information please contact us