The concept of anchoring from Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) provides us with the ability to access the most powerful and appropriate state for a particular activity and then be able to get into that state at will. This is something which has helped me to write quickly and efficiently. It also transformed my ability to make presentations when on my first few attempts my nervousness and lack of confidence led me to shake, sweat and flee the stage in terror afterwards. Setting a positive anchor helped me to confront my fears and learn to communicate effectively. All of us have certain sights, sounds or

At nine I decided to learn to swim and it was a good test for my grit and resilience. There was no swimming pool nearby and the only option was the local river. Fed from mountain springs it was ice cold, dark and murky. This did not deter me or my friends. Nor did insect bites or even a dead sheep which had fallen in and drowned up stream and floated by lifeless  as we practiced our strokes. By the end of the summer I had abandoned my flotation device and could swim from one side to the other. I now