brain boost
Your Writing Brain

Boost Your Writing Brain

The Boost Your Writing Brain workshop empowers you the writer to write.

Packed with useful strategies developed from the latest research in neuroscience, psychology and personal development, it encourages a growth mindset, resilience and productivity helping you to exceed your writing goals.

In this fun, dynamic and interactive workshop you will learn how by making small changes to your writing routine you can nurture your writing brain and lay the groundwork for success as a writer.

Boost Your Writing Brain will help define what success as a writer means to you. This could be getting your work published, improving your mental wellness or developing the confidence to write your story in your way.

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of the workshop you will have:

Discovered and developed your writing brain with techniques based on the latest research and tips from working writers

Learned how to improve your writing through developing a growth mindset and resiliency skills

Practiced tips to improve productivity and work to your strengths and discover how by changing your writing behaviour you can develop an effective writing habit

Helped define what success as a writer means for you and achieve your writing goals to improve mental wellness, get published or write your story in your way

Discussed how you can get in the right emotional state to write and avoid writers block

Identified what type of writer you are and how you can develop markets for your work

Understood how to nurture your writing brain and lay the groundwork for success

nothing else matters

but sitting down everyday and trying

Why is this so important?

Because when we sit down day after day and keep grinding something mysterious starts to happen. A process is set in motion by which inevitable and infallibly, heaven comes to our aid.

Steven Pressfield The War of Art

To book a course or request further information about our services please contact us