brain boost
Your Writing Brain

Mindful Writing & Journaling For mental wellness

Mindful Writing and Journaling enables you to reconnect with the essence of the writing process, through which you can describe how the world touches you and how you touch it.

Using simple meditation and writing exercises, you’ll learn how to move through creative blocks caused by over-thinking or self-criticism.

You will also examine how the reflection of and expression of your thoughts and emotions can improve your mental wellness. This is a fun and interactive workshop packed with techniques to help you make mindful observations and live fully in the present.

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of the workshop you will have:

Reflect on the events of your day, examine current themes in your life and inner dialogue to improve your mental wellness

Create clarity and calmness through a daily mindful journal

Write fully and freely and let go of the need for perfection

Unlock and successfully deal with any hidden barriers and get to the heart of your writing

Get in the right emotional state to write and develop a writing schedule

Discover new writing prompts and develop the ability to ask the right questions

Appreciate the health benefits of journaling and the improvements to your mental wellness

It is far more important that one’s life should be perceived than transformed,

for no sooner has it been perceived that it transforms itself of its own accord.

Maurice Maetgrlinck

To book a course or request further information please contact us