brain boost
Your Writing Brain

Your Stories Your Way

Your Stories – Your Way provides you with the tools to kickstart your memory, unlock the past and transform your ideas on paper or through a blog, video or audio piece. It can help you focus on a key aspect, theme or choice in life and encourage you to move around in time and place, make your own stories personal and strive for your own emotional truths.

Writing about your own life can be revealing and sometimes painful to express. By tapping in to our writing brain we can access the sights, sounds and smells that tie us to our past and influence our future and express them in our own way.

When the stories of your life are written we help make sure it is you holding the pen!

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of the workshop you will have:

Use a range of techniques to spark creativity and help access hidden memories

Create original stories from your life experiences and develop a structure to express them

Understand the with different ways to tell your story including diaries, letters, blogs, videos and audio

Engage your senses to trigger memories and create a mind map to help develop your ideas

Explore the different styles of memoir writing

Discuss the issues of validation, honesty and truth

A writer’s problem does not change.

It’s always how to write truly and having found what is true, to project it in such a way that it becomes a part of the experience of the person who reads it.

Ernest Hemmingway

To book a course or request further information about our services please contact us